French International School Pondicherry
Our pedagogy
The French International School curriculum up to the Baccalauréat is organized in 5 periods called cycles.
In elementary school, cycle 1 (kindergarten classes) has the essential objective of making a young child a student. This education to become a student will involve work on socialization and living together. It is a matter of moving away from parents, accepting others and the constraints of the school. We learn to master and develop social, cognitive and motor skills.
In Cycle 2 ( 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades), with this new status as a student, we learn to build and master the intellectual tools of speaking, reading, writing, counting and reasoning.
In Cycle 3 ( 4th, 5th and 6th grades), these new tools of intellectual autonomy are confronted with disciplinary knowledge. They are reinforced and given meaning.
In Cycle 4 ( 7th, 8th and 9th grades), students are confronted with knowledge while developing oral and written modes of restitution. This is also the beginning of the first personal written expressions.
Then the high school, with a first class of observation that is the 10th grade, we are confronted in all disciplines with the hypothetical-deductive thinking that characterizes the homo sapiens-sapiens, the one who “thinks his thoughts”. This is also the time to reflect on the choice of specializations that one will make in 11th grade.
And finally, the final cycle ( 11th and 12th grades), through the specialization courses that the students have chosen at the end of the second year of high school, prepares them to develop skills that are more oriented towards certain professional fields. This is done without neglecting the work of reflection and general culture (academic and personal) that characterizes the lycée.
The teaching of languages is a central and transversal activity in all these cycles. Our students take the baccalaureate with a mastery of at least 3 languages, often 4!
The values that characterize the country of human rights also remain a central point of our teaching and accompany our students throughout their schooling in our establishment.
School programs

De la petite à la grande section,
pour les élèves de 3 à 5 ans

Du CP au CM2,
pour les élèves de 6 à 11 ans

Middle School
De la 6ème à la 3ème,
pour les élèves de 12 à 15 ans

High School
De la seconde à la terminale,
pour les élèves de 16 à 18 ans
Evaluations & exams
All LFIP students are confronted with a number of assessments, certifications and exams during their schooling.
In primary school, assessments are taken at the beginning of the year to establish a pedagogical diagnosis for each student. These are national assessments that take place in all French schools (in France or in the AEFE network). This concerns all classes from CP to CM2 (1st grade to 5th grade) from the start of the school year 2022.
At secondary school, classes in 7th and 9th grade are assessed on their road safety skills. These certificates (ASSR1 and ASSR2) are compulsory in order to have the right to drive a moped for the former and to validate one’s driving licence for the latter.
The mastery of skills acquired in the digital domain is assessed in 9th grade and 12th grade. This is a compulsory ‘PIX’ certification test. This certification will be generalised in the coming years to all levels of schooling.
The level of mastery of foreign languages is done through the “Evalang” certification for English and is also compulsory.
The end of collège is marked by the DNB (Diplôme National du Brevet) which includes validation of the SCCC (Socle Commun de connaissances de compétences et de Culture).
At the lycée, students take the Baccalauréat’s early French tests at the end of 11th.
In 12th grade, they validate the Baccalauréat, which is the first university diploma, and is recognised in a large majority of countries in the world.
At the lycée, teachers follow an evaluation protocol (see attached file).