MUN BD Somani 2022

The twelve students of Lycée Français International de Pondichéry (LFIP), following their participation in the 2022 edition of the MUN conference to which BD Somani kindly invited them, agreed to give a short account of their experience. This report ambitions to compile and synthesise their remarks in the most faithful way.
From those accounts, it appears that the experience, as a whole was a very positive one.

The pupils enjoyed the opportunity to learn out of the classroom, in a new format and to
meet students from different schools and backgrounds.

The setting of the conference (President Hotel, Cuffe Parade) provided a very comfortable and auspicious venue to hold the debates. The catering service was equally impeccable with a generous buffet (offering an extensive range of Indian/Western, vegan/non-vegan delicious dishes) and the most delightful tea and biscuits during the breaks.
The providing of pens and notepads was also appreciated. As far as the dress code was concerned, the change from Western to Indian attires has also come up in some accounts as fun and welcome!

This year again, the varied debate topics were positively challenging and gave a sharp insight into the issues of the current affairs of the World. This led to a thorough research, different from that usually undertaken in the framework of the class.

The conduct of the debates in accordance with the protocol of the United Nations proposes an enriching experience for the students, offering a unique and positively unfamiliar format (listening, taking turns to speak, caucusing, developing reasoned arguments, trying to convince, cooperating, etc.). All LFIP pupils enjoyed this uniqueness and the benefits which they will draw from it.

They were also touched by those students who extended their efforts to help newcomers feel at ease.

During the closing ceremony, two of the Pondicherry delegates received a (well- deserved) distinction which, along with the Principal's mention of LFIP's participation, made every one in the group very proud.

Last but not least, the students particularly enjoyed the Saturday dinner, upon the thoughtful invitation of the Principal, at a restaurant, offering the most refined Lebanese cuisine. After the hard work, and once the anxiety to do well at the conference relieved, this moment surely came out as one of their favourites in their accounts.

They would like to extend their warmest gratefulness for this special time of the trip; and more broadly to Mr Satyajit and the team who made this M.U.N. Moment a memorable one.

In 2022 again, and for the ninth time, the four day trip proved a very enthusing and fruitful escapade.

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