LFIP Paris Saclay

Presentation of a project by students from the Paris-Saclay university

Tiroumagale Tillay, a former student of LFIP, class of 2020, took part in an online learning session last June with the class of 1ère Générale (11th grade) which became Terminale Générale (12th grade) at the beginning of the school year. Tiroumagale is a student in Life Sciences at the University of Paris-Saclay and she enters L3 in September. Along with some of her classmates, she presented their university and a study project in a competition launched by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA). This is an international competition in synthetic biology. Each year, teams present a synthetic biology project that aims to solve a problem faced by humanity. The projects are judged with all the teams presenting the projects to a panel of judges.

Synthetic biology is the engineering of biological components or systems, inspired by biology, with new functionalities.

Their project is ambitious: to modify a bacterium of the genus Streptomyces so that it can capture CO2 and use this CO2 to produce antibiotics!

We were able to talk to this group of very dynamic students. They will keep us informed of their project in the coming months. We will be able to make the link with the scientific teaching curriculum of the Terminale Générale (12th grade).

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